Dear Guests,
At Village Mare, our priority has always been focused on the health and safety of our guests and staff. As we reopen in the context of the new reality created by COVID-19, that has never been more important. Know that we are working diligently to implement the new health protocols for tourist accommodations provided by the Greek Ministry of Tourism, which includes the development of an Action Plan and a
In our hotel, our priority is the health and safety of our staff and each of our guests. We are very focused on protecting our staff and our visitors and we assure you that we have taken all necessary precautions in accordance with current regulations of the World Health Organization and Local Authorities, following their official instructions and all health measures. Hygiene and cleanliness is and will continue to be observed in detail by our specially trained staff throughout the season.
With respect to our professional course and with a view to the future, we send you the safety measure changes we have already implemented both in terms of organization and infrastructure due to this pandemic.
Village Mare Hotel for the 2023 season is applying the following guidelines:
Personal hygiene measures and Personal Protective Equipment
Management takes measures to implement good personal hygiene practices (both by employees and third parties) in the workplace and oversees their continued implementation.
- Personal protective equipment (hereinafter PPE): mask (simple surgery or cloth / fabric). Especially for the staff of the reception service, a face shield is used.
- Basic measures to avoid the spread of the corona virus - COVID-19: hand hygiene, use of antiseptics, avoidance of handshakes, keeping social distances, avoid contact of the hands with the face and in general personal and respiratory hygiene.
- Management of suspected COVID-19 case: the procedure described in Annex III of the issued directive of the G.G.T.
- Incident book - COVID-19: book (unofficial), which includes the recording of incidents related to the prevention or treatment of a possible case.
- Personnel of the tourist accommodation: education based on the electronic platform of the HCG (Hotel Chamber of Greece). relating to all employees, including those carrying out an internshipand the use of (PPE) Means of personal protectiondepending on the work department and according to the instructions of National Public Health Organization (NPHO). Also, the health care manager of our accommodation has received certification for the implementation of tourism protocols.
At the same time, we follow and have communicated to our various suppliers, the procurement procedures and transactions based on protocol.
The Health First brand has been posted in the designated areas and special clarification signs are found in all common areas as provided by the departmental offices, while there are disinfectants available in all common areas of the hotel.
In more detail:
There are special disinfection stations in all areas, while there are disinfectants available in all the common areas of the hotel. The cleaning of the hotel (locally and generally) is and will continue to be carried out with, disinfectants that have been EOF approved (National Organization for Medicines) for Covid-19.
More specifically:

Our staff takes all necessary hygiene measures, keeps the recommended distance from guests and follows the hygiene rules.
- Installation of polycarbonate shield
- Installation of a disinfection station.
- Frequent disinfection of frequently used surfaces.
- Use of PPE by the reception staff.
- Keys are placed in a special container for disinfection after use.
- Disinfection of the POS.
- Installation of floor markings to avoid congestion.
- Change of check in time to 15:00 and after and check out until 11:00 am.
- Rearrangement of the common area so that the distances required by law in the waiting area are observed.
- Frequent ventilation of all interiors spaces.
- Display of information with all the necessary information for pharmacies, hospitals and local doctors in the reception area.
- Special equipment (medical kit) in case of an incident, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe, laser thermometer.
- Keeping written record of the visitors for the tracking of potential cases. (All General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are adhered to and all guests and staff are informed that records are kept for the protection of public health).

- According to the new protocols, the daily room cleaning is permitted and the cleaning staff is allowed to enter the room. The linen will be changed at the pre-arranged and the pre-agreed to time. If the customer does not wish to have their room cleaned, they should inform the reception upon arrival at the hotel.
- All rooms will be steam cleaned with the required detergents for Covid-19, before the customers arrival.
- It is strictly forbidden for non-residents to enter the room.
- Disinfection and cleaning of the room, following each departure, with the application of the necessary measures for the protection of the clients and staff.

- We adhere to the necessary distances between tables that are defined by law.
- Floor markings and polycarbonate shields have been placed around the buffet sand separation ribbons have been placed around the buffets between staff and customer.
- Guests will serve their own meals at the buffet. Required by the guests to disinfect their hands with antiseptic that will be provided by the hotel.
- The service time will expand according to the amount of guests present.

- Use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) by kitchen staff.
- The kitchen is operating according to ISO 22000:2005 standards (as our hotel has Q-check certification)

Pool bar - Snack bar
- Floor markings for approaching the bar.
- Protective shields at the serving area.
- Observance of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) by staff.
- Disinfection of tables and seats in the bar area at each customer change
- All accompanying (edible items) arepre packaged.

Swimming pools
- Adherence to cleaning and maintenance rules according to the stipulated protocols.
- Signs at all 2 swimming pools for maximum number of people allowed to enter at once.
- Distances between sunbeds in accordance to the stipulated protocols.
- Disinfection of sunbeds and seats after each customer change.

Common areas / entertainment for children and adults
- All areas are cleaned in accordance to the stipulated protocols in force.
- The indoor mini club space will be closed for the summer, with all programs moved outdoors.
- The use of the outdoor playground is always done with the accompaniment and supervision of the parents and observing the provided distances.
- The program of the mini club is adapted according to the stipulated entertainment health protocols.
- All children activities are performed at the outdoor areas of the hotel and in case of adverse weather conditions the animation activities will be postponed.
- All children participating in activities should be accompanied and supervised by their parents.
- Disinfectant equipment is provided upon request.
- All events of the hotel will be held outdoors and in case of adverse weather conditions will be postponed.

Beach Umbrellas/Sunbeds
- The placement of the umbrellas is in accordance with the stipulated protocols.

We are constantly monitoring the progress of the Covid-19 epidemic and have put the care, health and safety of our staff and visitors as our top priority. We fully comply with the instructions of the competent health authorities and have taken precautionary measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19. However, we cannot guarantee that our visitors will not be exposed to the virus. Guests are encouraged to take self-protection measures and comply with the health rules for Covid-19, in order to minimize any exposure to the virus.
Guests are invited to take self-protection measures and comply with the health regulations for Covid-19, in order to minimize any exposure to the virus. Guests visiting Village Mare Hotel, and/or participating in any of its activities, must be aware of thetransmissible nature of Covid-19 and the risk of exposure or infection to the virus. Village Mare Hotel accepts no liability/responsibility and guests agree to relieve the hotel of any responsibility/claims, arising out of or relating to COVID 19.
We are confident that we have met all the requirements in accordance to the new stipulations/rules, by implementing the above.
The management
and staff of Village Mare Hotel